VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition)

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A. Sunitha, Vetrivel E, Vishwa V , "Parental Monitoring Automation by Keylogger ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.1-7.


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M NavaneethaKrishnan, G Monal, A Nilophar Zaheen, "PREDICTION OF FABRICATED NEWS FOR AN VERIFIABLE SEMANTIC SEARCHING SCHEME WITH RANDOM FOREST USING NLP ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.8-15.


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NAVANEETHA KIRSHNAN M, KUMARAVEL M, "Prediction of Agriculture Crop Yield and Product Cost by GUI Application using Random Forest Algorithm ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.16-22.


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R SELVAM, AJAY.B, PRAVEEN.S, , "DIGITAL VIDEO WATERMARKING TECHNIQUE FOR TEXT DOCUMENT PROTECTION USING DATA MINING ANALYSIS ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.23-28.


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B ARUNMOZHI, AJISHA R J, SANJANA , "DESIGNING AN EFFICIENT CLOUD STORAGE TO PROTECT THE DATA FROM OFFLINE KEYWORD GUESSING ATTACK", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.29-36.


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NAVANEETHA KIRSHNAN M, Ammie Kavya J, Harini G, "Data optimization in multi-cloud storage services employing store sim raises security and privacy concerns ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.37-42.


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Navaneetha Krishnan M, Bhuvaneshwaran M, Subash S, "Building Furthermore Examining Secret Key Store that Impeccably Covers up Passwords from Itself ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.43-49.


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Selvam R, Dercious M, SanjaiMonish S, Vignesh K, "An Efficient Secured Public Auditing Protocol with Novel Dynamic Structure for Cloud Data ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.50-55.


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B ARUNMOZHI, P BHAVANI, D DEVADHARSHINI, "Phishing Aware: A Neuro-fuzzy Approach for Anti-Phishing on fog Networks ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.56-63.


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Distributed fabric Blockchain-based Academic Certificates


DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060010
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NAVANEETHA KIRSHNAN M, KRISHNAGANESH SR, MARK ANTONY D A, "Distributed fabric Blockchain-based Academic Certificates ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.64-72.


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K Anu, L Guru Antony Raj, K Santhoshkumar, "AI Based Secured Voting System with Blockchain Mined Data Storage ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.73-77.


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M Navaneethakrishnan, G R Sandeep, S Santha Kumar, "ARTIFICIAL EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON TWITTER USING INFORMATION EXTRACTION AND NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.78-84.


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B Arunmozhi, A Pavithra, "DECENTRALIZED AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATION FOR HUMANITARIAN CRISIS ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.85-91.


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M Navaneethakrishnan, Surya Kumar M, Ragulraj K (June 2022)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060014
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M Navaneethakrishnan, Surya Kumar M, Ragulraj K, "DATA AUTHENTICATION FOR ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.92-97.


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M Navaneethakrishnan, Murali S, Surya R, "CLOUD BASED SECURE AND EFFICIENT FRAMEWORK FOR ONLINE STUDENT AUTENTICATION BASED ON BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.98-104.


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Navaneetha Krishnan M, Thamas Raj B, "WORDNET – BASED CRIMINAL NETWORK MINING FOR CYBER CRIME INVESTIGATION ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.105-110.


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A Sunitha, Vignesh K, Vinoth Kumar B, "Sentiment Analysis on Large Scale Amazon Product Review ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.111 – 118.


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ANU K, DHANALAKSHMI M, PAVITHRA S, "SUPPLEMENTARY ISSUANCE GLEANED FROM PRECEDENCE BY SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.119-123.


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R SELVAM, R PRAKASH, G HARISH SANJAY, "A DEEP LEARNING METHOD FOR PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.124-132.


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ARUNMOZHI B, KRISHNA PRAKASH S, VINOTH KUMAR V, "OSINT FRAMEWORK FOR PENETRATION TESTING WITH AUTOMATION TECHNIQUES ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.133-140.


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S Rathana Sabapathy , Adithan P, Balaprabakar S, "EVENT DETECTION SYSTEM BASED ONUSER BEHAVIOR CHANGES IN ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS: CASE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.141-148.


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ARUNMOZHI B, VIKASH M, "Drugstore Management Ordering and Tracking System ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.149-154.


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KARTHIKA K, MAHALAKSHMI G, MAHALAKSHMI S, "Brain Tumor Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.155-164.


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K Venkateswaran, S Jaya Ganesh, N Harish (June 2022)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060024
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K Venkateswaran, S Jaya Ganesh, N Harish, "E-COMMERCE APPLICATION FOR VEHICLE RESERVE", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.165-170.


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S Muthukumaran, A B Sankesh, V Ajin, R Ranjith Kumar, "Efficient Traceable Authorization Search System for Secure Cloud Storage", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.171-177.


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J Elakkiya, S Nirosha, Lakshmi, C Jeevitha, "Hybrid rubbing fault identification using machine learning ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.178-185.


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LiFi Based Data Transmission Text and Image using IoT

R Bhavani, M Premkumar, M S Chandru, S Jeevarathinam (June 2022)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060027
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R Bhavani, M Premkumar, M S Chandru, S Jeevarathinam, "LiFi Based Data Transmission Text and Image using IoT ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.186-190.


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S Muthukumaran, Abitha C, Preethi R, "PREDICTION OF ELECTRICITY BILL USING SML TECHNIQUE ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.191-198.


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V Antony Suresh, M Abinaya, A Swetha, P Vaitheswari, "Robust Digital Signature Scheme for Secure and Efficient Communication for the Internet of Things", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.199-209.


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B Arunmozhi , Yugendran S, "EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION BASED ON SPATIO TEMPORAL DATA MINING: A LSTM NETWORK APPROACH ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.210-216.


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K ANU, T BALAMURUGAN, "ATTENDANCE MONITERING SYSTEM BASED ON FACE RECOGNITION ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (Special Edition), pp.217-225.


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K Venkateshwaran, S Jenisha Dhas, V Selva Jothi, R Vaishnavi, "AN PROFICIENT VALIDATION PLAN FOR BLOCKCHAIN - BASED ELECTRONIC WELL-BEING RECORDS", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.226-232.


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Bid Data from Auctioning Application

K Saranya, Uma Maheshwari S, Sumaiya L, Soundharya A (June 2022)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060033
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K Saranya, Uma Maheshwari S, Sumaiya L, Soundharya A, "Bid Data from Auctioning Application", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.233-241.


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Elakkiya J, Shrilekha D P, Swathi R, "DIGITALISED INFORMATION SECURITY IN DATA COMMUNICATION", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.242-245.


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K. Karthika, S. Gokul Krishnan, "Eye Colour Detection using image processing", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.246-252.


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S Karthi, M Ajith, R Bhuvanesh, P S Pranesh, "LEUKEMIA BLOOD CANCER DETECTION UNING IMAGE PROCESSING", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.253-263.


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R Bhavani, D Lathika, D Sumiya, T Sandhiya, "ORIENTATION TACTICS FOR AUTOMATED MACHINE LEARNING ON ADVANCING SPECIFIC", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.264-270.


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S Karthi, R Kishore Kumar, S Gokularaman, G Yaswanth Kumar (June 2022)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2022.08060038
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S Karthi, R Kishore Kumar, S Gokularaman, G Yaswanth Kumar, "NUMBER (LICENSE) PLATE DETECTION USING IMAGE PROCESSING", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 8,ISSUE 6 - MAY 2022 (SPECIAL EDITION), pp.271-276.


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