Frequently Asked Questions

Q-1. When should we Submit our papers?
Ans. Author can submit their manuscript any time. If accepted, then the paper will be published on 28th of every month. (12 issues per year)
Q-2. How long does it take for paper review process?
Ans. IJARBEST normally completes review process within 1 week.
Q-3. When will I receive an acknowledgement email and manuscript ID for my submission?
Ans. Paper submission is normally acknowledged with in 24 hrs and Manuscript ID is assigned for each received paper.

Q-4. Where can I find Manuscript Preparation Guidelines ?
Ans. The format of IJARBEST is given in paper format link. Just download the format and prepare the manuscript in the format.
Q-5. Where can I find Paper Template, Copyright form and Registration form ?
Ans. If your paper is selected, download the Paper Template, Copyright form and Registration form from the home page and send it to OR Alternatively, you will also receive Paper Template, Copyright form and Registration form in the received mail if your paper gets selected.

Q-6 What Advantage do I have in sending a research paper to this Journal?

  • IJARBEST gives free soft copy of certificate for every accepted paper with QR code (Scan to download your paper).
  • IJARBEST gives soft copy of proceedings for every accepted paper
  • PLAG-SCAN-REPORT of Research Paper is delivered to the Correspondence address within one week (which helps you to do further research with the research paper submitted and increase Google Scholar Citations)
  • Journal IJARBEST indexes accepted research paper in scholarly websites including Thomson Reuters' Web of Science, ResearcherID and Google Scholar. This enables widespread reach of paper which enables researchers to further extend their depth of research.
  • First International Journal to index their papers in 100+ scholarly websites including Google Scholar!
  • Unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for all papers.
  • IJARBEST is a member of cross-ref.
  • Unique QR code assigned for all published Manuscripts.
  • Index Copernicus value 65.2.
  • Impact factor: 5.023
  • Science Central Score: 22.06
  • DOI: 10.20238/ijarbest
  • Immediate publication of the Manuscript after successful review

Q-7 What are the indexing services provided by this Journal? 

Ans. Journal IJARBEST indexes research paper in Scholarly databases including Thomson Reuters' Web of Science, ResearcherID, Google Scholar. For more information about indexing databases, visit this link

Q-8 What other special benefits do i enjoy when i publish my research article in this journal? 


  • Journal IJARBEST indexes research paper in Scholarly databases including Thomson Reuters' Web of Science, ResearcherID, Google Scholar. For more information about indexing databases, visit this link
  • This Reputed double-blind peer-reviewed Scholarly International Journal accepts only quality research articles. Therefore, articles in this journal is worth to be cited in relevant research while preparing a new research article
  • This Journal provides citation support to all researchers thereby developing research community in all spheres

Q-9 Do you have Editor/Reviewer for each topic covered in this journal? 


 Yes, 6-10 Editors/Reviewers are assigned to each topic covered in this journal to enable quality research to be published in this journal. For more details visit EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS section and REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS section.

Q-10 Do I own copyright for an article published in this journal? 

Ans.  Every research article published by IJARBEST is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For details, visit Archives section

Q-11 I am a Conference Organizer/ Staff/ Academic-Co-ordinator/Research Head working in College. I would like to collaborate my national/international conference with this reputed journal. What is the procedure I need to follow? 

Ans. Interested Conference Organizers can send the following details through mail :

  1. Name of the conference with abbreviation:
  2. Organizing Department:
  3. Date of Conference:
  4. Website (optional):
  5. Contact number:
  6. Expected number of papers to be published with this Journal:
  7. Conference logo and college/department/organization logo:


The CONFERENCE SUPPORT team of IJARBEST SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS will guide you with each step through the process of successful publication.

Q-12 I am a Staff/ Academic-Co-ordinator/Research Head working in College. I would like to collaborate my national/international workshop/seminar/Faculty Development Program/Symposium with this reputed journal. Can We index your journal logo in our brochure ?  What is the procedure I need to follow? 

 Ans. Interested Event Organizers can send the following details through mail :

  1. Name of the event with abbreviation:
  2. Organizing Department:
  3. Date of event:
  4. Website (optional):
  5. Contact number:
  6. Event logo and college/department/organization logo:


The EVENT SUPPORT team of IJARBEST SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS will guide you with each step through the process of successful publication.

Q-13 Can you tell me the steps involved for successful publication of research paper in this journal? 

 Ans. IJARBEST has given a clear-cut view about 10 easy steps to publish. For more details, visit the home page