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Jenif D Souza W S, Nonitha V, Mary Celestina J, "Indexing Based Public-Key Encryption against Keyword Guessing Attack", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.1-8.


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Detection of Migraine Stages and its Therapy

Rasika. K, Nithyapriya. M, Dharshini. R, Indhuja. S, Nithya. R (September 2020)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2020.0609002
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Rasika. K, Nithyapriya. M, Dharshini. R, Indhuja. S, Nithya. R, "Detection of Migraine Stages and its Therapy", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.9-13.


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S. Divya, M. Renuka, D. Vinoth, S. Prabakar, "Multi- Stage Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity Using ANFIS", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.14-19.


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Emotion recognition using Genetic algorithm and XGBoost

R. Srujana, S. V. S Aditya, B. Sai Chetan Reddy, J. Sirisha Devi (September 2020)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2020.0609004
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R. Srujana, S. V. S Aditya, B. Sai Chetan Reddy, J. Sirisha Devi, "Emotion recognition using Genetic algorithm and XGBoost", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.20-24.


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Ritwika Mukherjee, Subhabrata Das, "Impact of Dithering in Compressed and Spectrally Distorted Speech for Emotion Recognition", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.25-28.


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Shawl Abebe Desta, "MODELING THE HYDROLOGY OF BORKENA WATERSHED, AWASH BASIN, ETHIOPIA", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.29-40.


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Henok Asrat, Achenef Fentaw, Haiter Lenin Allasi, "Characterization of Borkena River Natural Sand, Above Borkena Bridge in Ethiopia Used for the Production of C-25 Concrete", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.41-51.


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B. Prabha, P. Krishna Kumar, "A Survey on Different Algorithms for Diabetic Prediction", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 6,ISSUE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2020, pp.52-58.


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