An Efficient Semantic Based Image Retrieval Using Low-Level and High-Level Features

M.Sudharsan, S.Gowtham, N.Ezhil Yohaventhan, V.Venkatesh, N.Sumathi (March 2018)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2018.0403001
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M.Sudharsan, S.Gowtham, N.Ezhil Yohaventhan, V.Venkatesh, N.Sumathi, "An Efficient Semantic Based Image Retrieval Using Low-Level and High-Level Features", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.1-16.


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Murumulla Vamsi, Rajesh Satti, "Comparative Analysis Between Fuzzy and PID Control for Load Frequency Controlled Power", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.17-23.


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On Degree-Distance Index of Hexagonal Network

S. Prabhu, G. Murugan, Natarajan Muthuraman (March 2018)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2018.0403003
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S. Prabhu, G. Murugan, Natarajan Muthuraman, "On Degree-Distance Index of Hexagonal Network", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.24-33.


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M.M. Prasada Reddy, "Design of 3 Element Yagi - Uda Antenna for RFID Applications", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.34-41.


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Bantupalli Anil Kumar Patnaik, K Bhaskar Rao, "Integrated Distributed Generation (PV+WIND) Using Hysteresis Controller", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.42-50.


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Sayahna R V, Rahul R, "Study and Simulation of Acoustics: A Case Study at St. George Basilica Church", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.51-58.


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Mini CNC Engraver Machine

Infantantoabishek.J, Nandhagopal.V.S, Kesavan.S, Hakkim.M, Sivakumar.S (March 2018)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2018.0403007
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Infantantoabishek.J, Nandhagopal.V.S, Kesavan.S, Hakkim.M, Sivakumar.S, "Mini CNC Engraver Machine", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.59-67.


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Ravindar. B, Nelson Kingsley Joel, P, "An Efficient Impulse and Blur Noise Removal Based on Total Variational Algorithm", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.68-74.


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Web Site Optimization Techniques using ON and OFF Page SEO

B. Arunkumar, S. S. Aravinth, N .Sathyaveni, V. Sowmiya, S. Sri Vaishnavi, R. Mohan Harish (March 2018)

DOI 10.20238/IJARBEST.2018.0403009
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B. Arunkumar, S. S. Aravinth, N .Sathyaveni, V. Sowmiya, S. Sri Vaishnavi, R. Mohan Harish, "Web Site Optimization Techniques using ON and OFF Page SEO", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.75-79.


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Siilegmaa Bulgan, "How Do These Pay-For-Performance/Skills Systems Work in the Public Schools? ", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.80-96.


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Prashil M Junghare, Sibaram Khara, Cyril Prasanna Raj P, "A Performance Analysis with Strain Measurement on Plastic Spool with Higher Sensitivity for Naval Approach", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.97-102.


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K.Mahesh Kumar, B.Benita, "Securing File Access using Revocable Storage Identity based Encryption in Big Data", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.103-108.


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L.Sesu Ovid, K.Rajasundari, "Enhanced Fine-Grained Access Control Scheme with Privacy Preserving Data using Hybrid Policy Updating", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.109-114.


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D.Priyalin, S.Malaiarasan, "SVM based Diabetic Retinopthy Classification and Red Lesion Detection based Gabor Features", International Journal Of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), VOLUME 4,ISSUE 3 - MARCH 2018, pp.115-121.


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